Creative Writing

Can I live a real life if I have a Bipolar Disorder?

For what it’s worth, the answer is a resounding ‘YES’. Elsewhere in this post you will see proof that having a bipolar disorder is not a sentence to soul-destroying poverty, no friends, a life with no meaning, an inability to hold down a job or build a career, or any of the other myths other…

Creative Writing

Crowded Blouse and Acoustic Fix

This weekend has been very busy. First, Lady Agatha and I nipped into town to catch Melanie Zedd‘s fabbo ‘Crowded Blouse‘ music and stories hour with the excellent Deborah Brennan accompanying Mel on piano. Mel took us through her school and uni years, encouraging us to sing along with classic songs she skilfully altered the…

Business writing Creative Writing

AI and writers

What are we as writers if not improvisers? Some of us plan out our work, filling in every gap before putting fingers to keyboard, others of us are ‘pantsers’, writers who write by the seat of their pants, never knowing what’s going to happen next, but trusting in their muse that inspiration will strike. Both…

Business writing

AI *WILL* disrupt writers, and sooner than you think

As a retired business communicator with some 30 years of experience behind me building websites, blogs and providing the content for them, I had left the Business Communication profession behind and embraced my photography and my Masters degree in Creative Writing & Communication. So, when AI came across my horizon, I was ill-prepared for its…