Uncommon or less well-known uses of AI for creative endeavours

This page delves into uncommon AI applications in creative endeavors, highlighting its role in fostering innovation and expanding artistic possibilities. It examines how AI tools are transforming creative processes, offering new avenues for artistic expression and collaboration.

Niche applications

AI in worldbuilding

Creating detailed fictional worlds for novels and games is a complex task, requiring imagination and coherence. AI can assist by generating intricate world maps, histories, and cultures, providing a rich foundation for storytelling. This capability enables writers and game developers to focus on character development and plot, enriching the overall narrative.

AI for mood boards

Mood boards are essential tools for visualising concepts in art, design, and fashion. AI can generate inspirational mood boards by analysing trends and visual elements, offering fresh perspectives.


The exploration of uncommon AI applications in creative endeavours showcases the technology’s potential to redefine artistic expression.

As AI tools become more integrated into creative processes, they offer new opportunities for artists to experiment, innovate, and collaborate.

This fusion of technology and creativity challenges traditional notions of art, prompting discussions about authenticity, originality, and the role of human creativity. As we navigate this evolving landscape, it is essential to embrace the possibilities that AI presents while maintaining a critical eye on its implications.

The future of AI in creative fields is bright, and its potential to inspire and transform is boundless.