Algebuckina Bridge over the Neale River, near Oodnadatta and Simpson Desert. untitled-2-165 Algebuckina Bridge over the Neale River, near Oodnadatta and Simpson Desert, South Australia. untitled-2-37Abandoned farm near Simpson Desert, South Australia. untitled-2-166Vineyard and majestic tree, Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-128Vineyard and trees at sunset. untitled-2-59 Shelly Beach outside of Normanville, Fleurieu Peninsula. untitled–60Simpson Desert, outback South Australia. untitled-2-5Desert art, on route to Simpson Desert, South Australia. untitled–60Man-made reservoir, outside Lobethal, Adelaide Hills. untitled–114On the way to Myponga from Normanville, South Australia. IMGP0905Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-82Vines, trees and house, Adelaide Hills Adelaide Hills vineyard. untitled–61Tree on farm land, rural South AustraliaTree in rain. Infrared. IMGP1012Lone tree outside of Balhannah, Adelaide Hills, South Australia. Infrared. IMGP1379Two trees. Infrared. Kenton Valley, South Australia. IMGP1515Majestic trees in the mid-morning sun. Infrared. 1598Tree in a paddock, Adelaide Hills. Infrared. 1601Tree and cloud, Charleston, Adelaide Hills. Infrared. 1609Tree in paddock. Infrared. 1665.Adelaide Hills. Infrared. 1670.Near Lobethal, Adelaide Hills, South Australia. untitled–65On route to Myponga, Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. untitled–65On route to Myponga beach, Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. untitled-2-22Paddock tree. Adelaide Hills 1624Tree in the Adelaide Hills. 1672Gordon Road, outside Gawler, country South Australia. gordon_rd_evanston_gardens-2023Infrared shot of winter trees and a clear blue sky, #AdelaideHills. untitled-2-110Infrared shot of trees in a vineyard, Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-59 Church, Hahndorf, Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-63Cow in paddock, Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-169Adelaide Hills. IMGP1181-Edit-2Adelaide Hills. untitled-2-29Old ruin. untitled-2-45Abandoned. untitled-2-131untitled-2-3Normanville Jetty, South Australia. Infrared. untitled-2-49Myponga, South Australia. untitled-2-112