Fiction writing: Sudowrite

Discover Sudowrite, an innovative AI-assisted writing tool specifically designed for fiction authors. This article examines how Sudowrite helps writers generate ideas, overcome creative blocks, and enhance their storytelling, showcasing the potential of AI to augment human creativity in literature.

Sudowrite: What is the purpose of the Canvas, how can you best use it?

How difficult is the Canvas to learn, and does it offer an improvement over letting Sudowrite with the default settings and AI engines?

Sudowrite’s Canvas is a powerful planning and brainstorming tool designed to enhance the creative writing process. Here’s an overview of its purpose, best uses, learning curve, and potential advantages:

Purpose and Best Uses

The Canvas feature in Sudowrite serves as a virtual workspace for writers to organize their ideas, develop plot points, and flesh out character arcs[1]. Its primary purposes include:

Exploration and Planning: Canvas allows writers to explore plot points, character arcs, and themes in an interactive AI-powered environment[1]. This makes it ideal for the early stages of story development or when you need to overcome writer’s block.

Brainstorming: The Canvas acts as an infinite “yes, and” buddy, continuously generating ideas based on your input[1]. This feature is particularly useful for coming up with names, magic items, titles, or any other creative elements you need for your story.

Visualization: Canvas brings your character sheets and worldbuilding documents to life by generating art based on your descriptions[1]. This can help you better visualize your story elements and settings.

Best Practices for Using Canvas

To make the most of Canvas, consider these approaches:

  1. Use it for outlining: Canvas offers various templates for creating outlines, allowing you to generate a structured framework for your story based on a summary[2].
  2. Organize your ideas: Utilize the space to create virtual sticky notes for plot points, character details, and worldbuilding elements[2].
  3. Iterate and refine: Use the AI-generated suggestions as a starting point, then refine and expand upon them to align with your vision.

Learning Curve and Difficulty

The Canvas feature in Sudowrite is designed to be user-friendly, but it may take some time to fully grasp its potential:

  • Initial learning: While the basic functions are intuitive, mastering all the features and integrating them into your writing workflow may require some practice[2].
  • Flexibility: The open-ended nature of Canvas can be both a strength and a challenge. Some writers may find it initially overwhelming, while others may appreciate its adaptability[2].

Comparison to Default Settings

Using Canvas offers several potential improvements over relying solely on Sudowrite’s default settings:

  1. Structured brainstorming: Canvas provides a more visual and interactive approach to idea generation compared to the standard text-based interface[1].
  2. Comprehensive planning: The outlining and note-taking features in Canvas allow for more detailed story planning than the default writing interface[2].
  3. Visual inspiration: The ability to generate art based on descriptions can spark creativity in ways that text-only tools cannot[1].
  4. Customization: Canvas allows for a more personalized approach to story development, catering to different writing styles and preferences[2].

While Canvas offers these advantages, it’s worth noting that some writers may find the default Sudowrite settings sufficient for their needs. The best approach often depends on individual writing styles and project requirements.


How does the Canvas handle large projects with multiple plot twists?

The Canvas feature in Sudowrite is designed to handle complex projects with multiple plot elements, including plot twists. Here’s how it can be utilized for large projects:

Organisation and Structure

The Canvas acts as a virtual workspace where writers can organize and visualize various elements of their story:

  • Plot Points: You can create separate notes or sections for each major plot point, including plot twists. This allows you to see the overall structure of your story at a glance.
  • Character Arcs: Dedicate areas to individual character development, including how they relate to and are affected by plot twists.
  • Themes: Use the Canvas to explore and connect thematic elements that tie into your plot twists.

AI-Assisted Brainstorming

For projects with multiple plot twists, the Canvas offers AI-powered brainstorming capabilities:

  • Generating Alternatives: The AI can suggest alternative plot twists or variations on your existing ideas, helping you explore different possibilities for your story.
  • Interconnections: It can help you identify potential connections between different plot elements, ensuring your twists are well-integrated into the overall narrative.


The Canvas allows you to visualize your complex plot structure:

  • Mind Mapping: You can create visual representations of how different plot twists connect to characters, themes, and other story elements.
  • Timeline Creation: For stories with multiple timelines or non-linear narratives, you can use the Canvas to map out the sequence of events, including where plot twists occur.

Flexibility for Large Projects

While the Canvas is designed to accommodate large projects, it’s worth noting a few considerations:

  • Scalability: As your project grows, you may need to develop your own organizational system within the Canvas to keep track of numerous elements.
  • Navigation: For very large projects, navigating the Canvas might become challenging. Some users find it helpful to create a “table of contents” or index within the Canvas itself.
  • Iteration: The Canvas allows for easy rearrangement and modification of ideas, which is particularly useful when managing multiple plot twists that may evolve as you write.

While the Canvas offers these capabilities, it’s important to note that some users find it can become unwieldy for very large projects. The effectiveness of the tool often depends on how well it aligns with your personal writing and organisation style.


How does the Canvas handle large projects with multiple plot twists?

The Canvas feature in Sudowrite is designed to handle complex projects with multiple plot elements, including plot twists. Here’s how it can be utilized for large projects:

Organisation and Structure

The Canvas acts as a virtual workspace where writers can organize and visualize various elements of their story:

  • Plot Points: You can create separate notes or sections for each major plot point, including plot twists. This allows you to see the overall structure of your story at a glance.
  • Character Arcs: Dedicate areas to individual character development, including how they relate to and are affected by plot twists.
  • Themes: Use the Canvas to explore and connect thematic elements that tie into your plot twists.

AI-Assisted Brainstorming

For projects with multiple plot twists, the Canvas offers AI-powered brainstorming capabilities:

  • Generating Alternatives: The AI can suggest alternative plot twists or variations on your existing ideas, helping you explore different possibilities for your story.
  • Interconnections: It can help you identify potential connections between different plot elements, ensuring your twists are well-integrated into the overall narrative.


The Canvas allows you to visualize your complex plot structure:

  • Mind Mapping: You can create visual representations of how different plot twists connect to characters, themes, and other story elements.
  • Timeline Creation: For stories with multiple timelines or non-linear narratives, you can use the Canvas to map out the sequence of events, including where plot twists occur.

Flexibility for Large Projects

While the Canvas is designed to accommodate large projects, it’s worth noting a few considerations:

  • Scalability: As your project grows, you may need to develop your own organizational system within the Canvas to keep track of numerous elements.
  • Navigation: For very large projects, navigating the Canvas might become challenging. Some users find it helpful to create a “table of contents” or index within the Canvas itself.
  • Iteration: The Canvas allows for easy rearrangement and modification of ideas, which is particularly useful when managing multiple plot twists that may evolve as you write.

While the Canvas offers these capabilities, it’s important to note that some users find it can become unwieldy for very large projects. The effectiveness of the tool often depends on how well it aligns with your personal writing and organization style.


In Sudowrite, why do both ChatGPT4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet lose a hold of the plot and the characters in a story?

For example, I have had situations unfold that I have specifically said was not to happen in the brainstorming and other areas. Also, characters names change from the beginning of the book to about two-thirds in. Why is that?

There are a few potential reasons why ChatGPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet may sometimes lose track of plot elements or character details in Sudowrite:

Context Limitations

Token Limit: Both AI models have a maximum context window (number of tokens they can process at once). For longer stories, they may not be able to retain all previous details within this limit[1].

Inconsistent Memory: The AIs don’t have perfect recall of everything previously written or discussed about the story. They work primarily with the immediate context provided.

Model Behaviour

Generative Nature: These models are designed to generate plausible continuations based on immediate context, which can sometimes lead to inconsistencies with earlier established facts[2].

Lack of True Understanding: While highly sophisticated, these AIs don’t truly “understand” your story in the way a human would. They make statistical predictions about likely text continuations.

Specific Issues

Name Changes: Character name inconsistencies often occur because the model may not have the full context of previously used names, especially in longer works[3].

Plot Deviations: The AI might generate plot elements that contradict earlier brainstorming or planning if those details aren’t explicitly included in the immediate context.

Mitigating Strategies

To help maintain consistency:

  1. Regularly remind the AI of key plot points and character details.
  2. Use Sudowrite’s Canvas feature to keep track of important story elements.
  3. Break longer works into smaller sections when working with the AI.
  4. Carefully review and edit AI-generated content for consistency with your overall vision.

Remember, while these AI models are powerful tools, they are best used as assistants in the creative process rather than autonomous storytellers. Human oversight and editing remain crucial for maintaining narrative coherence and consistency.


Are there specific settings or plugins in Sudowrite that can help prevent plot inconsistencies?

While Sudowrite offers several features to help maintain plot consistency, there isn’t a specific setting or plugin solely dedicated to preventing plot inconsistencies. However, you can use a combination of existing tools and best practices to minimize such issues:

Canvas for Plot Management

The Canvas feature in Sudowrite can be particularly helpful for maintaining plot consistency:

  • Outlining: Use the outlining tool within Canvas to create a structured overview of your plot[3]. This can serve as a reference point to ensure you’re staying on track.
  • Note-taking: Create virtual sticky notes for key plot points, character details, and important events[3]. Regularly referring to these can help prevent inconsistencies.

Write Settings

Adjusting the Write Settings can help maintain consistency:

  • Creativity Slider: Setting this closer to “Least” will make Sudowrite stick more closely to what you’ve already written, potentially reducing unexpected plot deviations[1].
  • Key Details: In Auto mode, you can use the Key Details section to remind Sudowrite of important plot elements[1].

Best Practices

To further minimize inconsistencies:

  1. Regular Reviews: Frequently review your work and the AI-generated content for consistency with your overall plot.
  2. Guided Mode: Use the Guided mode in Write to provide specific instructions about plot progression[1].
  3. Break Down Complex Ideas: When using Guided mode, break larger plot points into smaller, manageable chunks to ensure coherence[1].
  4. Context Reminders: Regularly remind the AI of key plot points and character details, especially for longer works.
  5. Segmentation: Consider breaking your story into smaller sections when working with the AI to maintain better context control.

While these strategies can help, it’s important to note that human oversight remains crucial. Sudowrite is a powerful tool, but it’s designed to assist rather than replace the author’s role in maintaining narrative coherence and consistency.


Can Sudowrite’s Canvas assist in balancing character arcs with plot twists?

Based on the information provided in the search results, Sudowrite’s Canvas feature can indeed assist in balancing character arcs with plot twists in several ways:

  1. Visual organization: Canvas acts as a virtual storyboard or “blank wall” where writers can add notes and organize their thoughts about characters, plot points, and story elements[4]. This visual layout can help writers see how character arcs and plot twists intersect and develop throughout the story.
  2. AI-assisted development: Writers can use AI to help populate and flesh out their notes on characters, plot points, and other story elements[4]. This can provide new ideas for character development and potential plot twists that align with character arcs.
  3. Brainstorming hub: Canvas serves as a brainstorming space where writers can map out character motivations, backstories, and potential growth trajectories alongside plot developments[4].
  4. Twist feature: Sudowrite offers a specific “Twist” feature that allows writers to incorporate captivating plot twists into their stories, injecting a sense of intrigue and surprise[2]. This can be used to create twists that align with or challenge character arcs.
  5. Outlining tool: Within Canvas, there’s an outlining feature that offers several templates[4]. Writers can use this to structure their story, ensuring that character arcs and plot twists are well-balanced throughout the narrative.
  6. Flexibility: The open-ended nature of Canvas allows writers to use it flexibly for character development, worldbuilding, and plotting[4]. This can help in creating complex, intertwined character arcs and plot twists.
  7. Exploration of plot points and character arcs: Canvas helps writers explore and develop both character arcs and plot points by generating alternate ideas and inspirations[1][4].

While some users find the Canvas feature a bit disorganized and potentially overwhelming[4], its ability to facilitate exploration of both character arcs and plot twists appears to be a valuable tool for many writers. The open-ended nature allows for creative freedom in mapping out complex character journeys and surprising plot developments simultaneously.


What role does Sudowrite’s Canvas play in refining story structure?

Based on the search results, Sudowrite’s Canvas feature plays several important roles in refining story structure:

  1. Visual organization: Canvas acts as a virtual storyboard or “blank wall” where writers can add notes and organize their thoughts about story elements. It allows writers to visually map out and structure their story [1][3][4].
  2. Brainstorming hub: It serves as a brainstorming space where writers can explore and develop plot points, character arcs, themes, and other story elements [1][3].
  3. AI-assisted development: Writers can use AI to help populate and flesh out their notes on characters, plot points, and other story elements. This can provide new ideas for story structure and development [1].
  4. Outlining tool: Within Canvas, there’s an outlining feature that offers templates like the Hero’s Journey. This helps writers structure their story and ensure proper pacing [1][3].
  5. Flexibility: The open-ended nature of Canvas allows writers to use it flexibly for organizing various aspects of their story, including plot structure, character development, and worldbuilding [1][3].
  6. Integration with other features: Canvas integrates with other Sudowrite tools, allowing writers to seamlessly incorporate structural ideas into outlines and drafts [3].
  7. Plot twist generation: Sudowrite’s brainstorming tools can suggest intriguing plot twists and unexpected developments, helping refine the story’s structure and pacing [1].
  8. Character arc tracking: Canvas helps writers track and develop character arcs throughout the story, ensuring they align with the overall structure [3].

Overall, Sudowrite’s Canvas serves as a comprehensive tool for visualising, organising, and refining story structure through a combination of AI assistance and flexible organisational features. It allows writers to experiment with different structural approaches and ensure all elements of their story work together cohesively.


Can Sudowrite’s Canvas suggest alternative story directions?

Based on the information provided in the search results, Sudowrite’s Canvas feature can indeed suggest alternative story directions in several ways:

  1. Brainstorming and idea generation: Canvas acts as a brainstorming hub where writers can explore and develop plot points, character arcs, and themes. It can generate alternate plot points, character secrets, and plot twists [1][3].
  2. AI-assisted development: Writers can use AI to help populate and flesh out their notes on characters, plot points, and other story elements. This can provide new ideas for story development and alternative directions [1][3].
  3. “Generate more like this” feature: For any card or note in Canvas, there’s an option to “Generate more like this,” which can produce multiple scenarios or ideas similar to the original one, potentially suggesting new story directions [1].
  4. Plot twist generation: Sudowrite’s brainstorming tools excel at proposing intriguing plot twists and unexpected developments. This allows writers to experiment with different story trajectories [3].
  5. Story Engine capability: This feature enables writers to generate intricate plots and dynamic characters, potentially offering alternative story directions [3].
  6. Exploration of alternate plot directions: The brainstorming features in Sudowrite provide support for writers by offering alternate plot directions [3].
  7. Flexibility and customization: Sudowrite offers a range of customization options, allowing writers to explore different writing styles and genre-specific prompts, which can lead to alternative story directions [3].

While Canvas can sometimes feel a bit disorganized, its ability to facilitate exploration of plot points, character arcs, and generate AI-assisted ideas appears to be a valuable tool for many writers in developing their stories and considering alternative directions. The open-ended nature allows for creative freedom in mapping out complex narratives and exploring different storytelling possibilities.


How does Sudowrite’s Canvas generate new plot points?

Based on the information provided, Sudowrite’s Canvas can generate new plot points in several ways:

  1. AI-assisted development: Writers can use the AI to help populate and flesh out their notes on plot points. The AI can suggest new plot ideas and developments based on existing story elements.
  2. “Generate more like this” feature: For any card or note in Canvas, there’s an option to “Generate more like this,” which can produce multiple plot point ideas similar to an existing one.
  3. Brainstorming tool: Canvas serves as a brainstorming hub where writers can explore and develop plot points. The AI can suggest alternate plot directions and twists.
  4. Story Engine capability: This feature enables writers to generate intricate plots, potentially offering new plot point ideas throughout the story development process.
  5. Plot twist generation: Sudowrite’s brainstorming tools excel at proposing intriguing plot twists and unexpected developments, which can serve as new plot points.
  6. Integration with outlining: Within Canvas, there’s an outlining feature that can generate AI-powered outlines based on story summaries. This process likely includes generating new plot points to flesh out the story structure.
  7. Exploration of alternate plot directions: The brainstorming features in Sudowrite provide support for writers by offering alternate plot directions, which can introduce new plot points.

The AI seems to analyze existing story elements, characters, and themes to suggest relevant and interesting new plot points that fit within the overall narrative. This helps writers overcome creative blocks and explore new directions for their stories.


What are the different types of cards available in Sudowrite’s Canvas?

Based on the information provided in the search results, Sudowrite’s Canvas offers the following types of cards:

  1. Text Cards: These are the basic building blocks of Sudowrite Canvas. They can contain text information about various story elements, such as character descriptions, plot points, or other notes.
  2. Image Cards: Canvas allows users to add images to cards. This can be useful for visual references or inspiration.
  3. Link Cards: Users can add links to external resources or websites in cards.
  4. Character Cards: While not explicitly mentioned, it’s implied that users can create cards specifically for character information and development.
  5. Plot Point Cards: Cards can be used to organize and develop plot points throughout the story.
  6. Outline Cards: The Canvas feature includes an outlining tool, suggesting that there may be specific cards for creating and organizing story outlines.

The search results also mention that cards in Sudowrite’s Canvas have additional features:

  • Cards can be connected to other cards to create relationships between different elements of a story.
  • For each card, users are provided with two options: “Generate more like this” and “Visualize”.
  • The “Generate more like this” option can produce multiple scenarios or ideas similar to the original card content.
  • The “Visualize” option can generate an image based on the card’s content.

It’s worth noting that cards can be organized and categorized using Labels, which can be applied to individual cards or groups of cards. The flexibility of the Canvas feature allows writers to use cards in various ways to suit their storytelling and organizational needs.


Can Sudowrite’s Canvas help in organising research materials?

Sudowrite’s Canvas feature can indeed assist in organizing research materials for writers. Here are several ways it can facilitate this process:

  1. Centralized Storage: Canvas allows users to create various cards for different research topics, characters, themes, or plot points. This centralizes all research materials in one location, making it easier to access and reference when needed.
  2. Card Types: Users can create text cards for notes, image cards for visual references, and link cards for external resources. This flexibility enables writers to include a variety of research materials, such as images, articles, and detailed notes.
  3. Labels for Organization: Canvas includes a labeling system that enables writers to categorize their research materials. By applying labels to cards, users can easily sort and filter their research, making it more manageable and organized.
  4. Visual Mapping: The visual nature of Canvas allows writers to map out their research in a way that highlights connections between different elements. This can help in understanding how various pieces of research relate to the story being developed.
  5. Integration with Story Elements: Research materials can be linked directly to specific plot points or character arcs. This integration helps writers see how their research informs their story, ensuring that it is relevant and effectively incorporated into the narrative.
  6. AI-Assisted Development: The AI features in Canvas can help writers flesh out their research notes, suggest additional relevant information, or generate ideas based on the research provided. This can enhance the depth and quality of the research materials.
  7. Outlining Capabilities: Canvas’s outlining feature allows writers to create structured outlines based on their research. This can help ensure that the research is systematically integrated into the writing process.
  8. Brainstorming Support: The brainstorming aspect of Canvas encourages writers to explore new ideas and directions based on their research, which can lead to more innovative and well-informed storytelling.

Overall, Sudowrite’s Canvas provides a versatile and organized approach to managing research materials, allowing writers to streamline their creative process and effectively incorporate research into their narratives.
