Butler, the depot’s best driver, steered his double decker out of Wandsworth Depot and onto the A37. It was a typical London morning—grey, overcast, rain threatening to bring out the kids who splash in puddles. Each morning for five days a week, Butler drove a bus on the 415 route, the driver’s cabin fragranced by…
Daniel Murtagh has spent the last eighteen months of his life living with the unwashed and homeless, the mentally disabled and the forgotten heroes. He spent most of his time pretending to sleep amongst overflowing garbage bins under the Seaton Jetty, but once a week he would report to the Port Adelaide police station and…
A look at the Sherlock Holmes story of the Speckled Band, including how it does its job and why it is still the ‘high water mark’ for ‘locked door’ mysteries over a century later
Logan Robinson
Logan Robinson, ex-Airforce, 28 yo and too heavily freckled for women, shares in the sadness of his best friends when their 6yo daughter is killed.
The fear of the men stranded on the beach, under intense fire from the Germans, was written in blood on their faces. The blood of their comrades and friends was not just splattered but splashed across the faces of the nearby living. Well, living-for-now. The sea at the back of both the fallen and the…
Andy Delmonte, a crime journalist with the only newspaper in Adelaide, introduces cyber-crime specialist Stephanie McBride, who is about to meet her maker
Evanston Gardens, September 2023
By Eran Malloch 14th August 2023 How to get a great article out of ChatGPT I see a lot of people struggling to get high quality content (articles, blog posts, etc.) out of ChatGPT. In most cases, it’s because you are not giving it better guidelines to help write your content. Most people just instruct…
“As we live our lives, we find ourselves confronted with a brute fact about how little we can know about our futures—just when it is most important to us that we do know. For many big life choices, we only learn what we need to know after we’ve done it, and we change ourselves in…
Chu’s Asian Restaurant, Unley
Vietnamese Chinese fusion that sings! I’ve written before about Chu’s Vietnamese Chinese restaurant in my Google Reviews. Had a wonderful evening here with three friends. Food was fabulous, the Pinot Gris was excellent, the host/owner was witty and knowledgeable. Will definitely come back, many times. ——— Months later: Have been back many times. Owner Wen…