GPS 34°53’18.708″ S 138°53’22.506″ E IMGP6824Second Valley rocks. Caz, the ten year old Labrador, sees the beach for the first time and loves it. She spends a considerable part of her time running in and out of the water. Here she is shaking the water off of herself, for the dozenth time. IMGP9057Second Valley rocks, with a moody, rain-filled sky. IMGP9064Dramatic cloud, huh? IMGP0111Tree in rain. Infrared. IMGP1012The Sisters. IMGP1336Lone tree outside of Balhannah, Adelaide Hills, South Australia. Infrared. IMGP1379Small windfarm near Cape Jervis, South Australia. IMGP1671Just up the fire track from where I used to live in rural Mylor, South Australia. A very wet day. IMGP1853Rain and solitary tree in the Adelaide Hills. IMGP2178Near Lady Bay, Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. IMGP2278Shelly Beach, near Normanville, Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia. IMGP2283IMGP2579Old vineyard house, Balhannah, South Australia. IMGP2882Fence post. IMGP3766Bleached dead bush. untitled-2-6-Edit#fleurieupeninsula #awardwinning IMGP5454Tree in rain. IMGP5485Just before you reach Clare, South Australia. IMGP7173Vineyard and house, Biggs Flat, Adelaide Hills, South Australia. IMGP7339Bush and branches. IMGP8574balhannah-vineyard-bnw.jpgTree in cloud. Infrared. IMGP1609Mount Torrens Hotel in the morning light Country tree. Infrared.Woodside (Adelaide Hills) at midnight during a winter rain Montacute Road in the rainCountry intersection at night in the rain Normanville Jetty after sunset. IMGP9592